
The Trafalmagorians taught Billy Pilgrim

How unexpected, with what secret design does fate move? Stranding and connecting threads. Will you call it choice? In this improvised street orchestra I am not trumpet or drum, I am a fretless violin with the voice of a lone cloud in an overcast sky. Do you wonder whether perhaps everything is necessary, connected in ways that we will never manage to comprehend? Imagine every evangelical standing on a soapbox preaching brimstone into a megaphone, every leather studded bear skinned homosexual on Folsom Street, every dry skinned crackhead outside my door, every prostitute in Bangkok, every hipster sporting worn out ironies, every broken heart, every film in every astigmatic eye, every auto accident, every suicide, every chainsmoker, every smile, every orgasm, every newborn child, every thing, every thought, every action somehow depended upon every other...


christina said...

the rhythm of that last part feels a lot like the opening monologue of trainspotting. care to record yourself walking down the street while these thoughts ring in the background?

oh, and i think we're most assuredly all connected in ways we can't imagine.

Nathan said...


for you xtina.

christina said...

wow, i had no idea that you had made this! i never think to go back and look to see if you responded to my comments. i will from now on. hope you didn't think i just didn't care about your video. thanks!

Nathan said...

oh i'm under no such illusion. ;)
